Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yesterday by Carlos Duarte

I received a week and a half ago or so a new board. It's a Respect Grommet 2011 and i'm loving it! I was before using a board from 2010 and it was one of the top models from Respect (Jose Otavio Performance Series) and I didn't feel almost any differences, wich means this board I'm using now (Evolution Series) is soo good like the other one I have... Can't imagine how will be the 2011 top models from Respect!

The current board i'm using is pretty good to get alot of speed on the waves (even in poor waves it's very fast), control and the thing I loved is the maneuvers on the lip are alot better to make it. Last weekend in a 5 hour session with waves around 1 meter (4ft more or less) I did make 16 ARS's (Air Roll Spin) and my previous record was 8... So it's a big difference as you can see.

I'm looking forward to test the board in bigger and powerfull conditions.

Each year the boards are getting better and better. In my opinion Respect is on the top with others top international labels recognized in the world of Bodyboarding.

The 2011 collection will be in stores in May. Stay tunned at

Some photos from a session yesterday, it was my 5th session with this board.


miguel said...

Altas fotos!!

Wave Riders Açores said...

Nice, e grandes fotos do Carlos Duarte