Saturday, September 19, 2009

Taça USBA Update!

O 1º dia da taça USBA decorreu hoje na Praia do Monte Verde na Ribeira Grande. O inicio foi pelas 10.30h e o campeonato tinha grandes infra-estruturas, juízes e speaker da FPS. As ondas rondaram o meio metro side-shore demanhã crescendo ao longo do dia e ao fim de tarde já estava metro sólido sem vento. Entrei no Heat 7 do Open e obtive o melhor score do dia (12pts) com uma combinação das minhas 2 melhores ondas de 6 pontos.

Amanhã o Check-In está agendado para as 8h da manhã com o inicio ou do Dropknee ou da Ronda 3 de Bodyboard. Marquem presença amanhã pois haverá um grande espetáculo de Bodyboard!


The 1st day of the USBA cup held today in Praia do Monte Verde in Ribeira Grande. The cup starts at 10:30am and had great infrastructure, judges and speaker of the FPS. The wave was around the 2 foot side-shore in the morning growing up throughout the day and the evening was already 5 foot solid with no wind. I got in Heat 7 of the Open and get the best score of the day (12pts) with a combination of my 2 best waves of 6 points.

Tomorrow Check-In is scheduled for 8am with the beginning of Dropknee or Round 3 of Bodyboard. Mark your presence tomorrow because there will be a great show of Bodyboard!!

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