Monday, July 6, 2009

3ª Etapa do CRBO adiada. (3rd stage of CRBO postponed)

A 3ª etapa do CRBO foi adiada devido a uma nova entrada de swell que irá começar a entrar pelo meio/final da semana. A prova dessa vez não deve ser adiada outra vez, será quase de certeza feita ou Sábado ou Domingo, dependendo do swell e vento que entrar melhor nesses 2 dias.


The 3rd Stage of CRBO was postponed because of a new swell that will start entring in the island in the middle/final of this week. I'm sure this stage will not be again postponed because in this weekend, especaly Sunday, will have good conditions but the previsions can change, but we dont no if its going to be on Saturday or Sunday, depends of the wind and swell.

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